Our Offerings

Data Science

Data science services let firms experiment with their data to gain business insights. To satisfy our clients’ most purposeful analytics demands, Blocknize provides data science consulting using Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Deep Learning technologies.

Uncover And Enable Accurate Forecasting

We can discuss and execute data science best practices to drive your decision-making with careful forecasting and practical root-cause analysis.

Our Data Science Services Address the Following Use Cases

Operational intelligence

They detect deviations and unwanted trends, their root-cause analysis, performance prediction, and forecasting help improve process performance.

Supply chain management

Supply chain management may be improved by using credible demand forecasts, inventory optimization suggestions, and supplier and risk assessments.

Product quality

Identifying manufacturing process irregularities that damage product quality and cause production process interruptions ahead of time.

Predictive maintenance

Monitoring equipment, finding and reporting trends that lead to pre-failure and failure situations.

Dynamic route optimization

Based on the analysis of vehicle maintenance data, real-time GPS data, route traffic data, road maintenance data, weather data, and other factors.

Customer experience personalization

Identifying consumer behavior patterns and customer segmentation to create recommendation engines, personalize services, and so on.

Customer churn

Developing predictions based on consumer behavior to identify probable churners.

Sales process optimization

Enhanced lead and prospect scoring, next-step sales suggestions, negative customer sentiment alerts, and so on.

Financial risk management

Predicting project earnings, identifying financial risks, and determining a prospect’s trustworthiness are all part of the job.

Patient treatment optimization

Detecting at-risk individuals, enabling individualized medical therapy, forecasting potential symptom development, and so on.

Image analysis

We can reduce human mistakes using automated visual inspection, face or expression detection, grading, and counting.

What Are The Benefits Of Our Data Science Services?

  • Analyze your company's requirements.

    Outlining business goals that data science may help you achieve. Identifying problems with the current data science solution and deciding on data science deliverables.

  • Compilation of data

    Choosing a data source for data science is a difficult task. Data collection, transformation, and cleaning are steps in the data collecting process.

  • Model creation and development for machine learning (ML).

    Select the most appropriate data science approaches and procedures. Defining the assessment criteria for future machine learning models.

  • Providing data science output in a consistent format.

    Data science insights in reports and dashboards are ready for commercial usage. Self-service software powered on machine learning. Integration of machine learning models into other applications.

  • Evaluation and adjustment of machine learning models.

    Tuning is the method of promoting a model's performance while avoiding overfitting or excessive variance. This is performed in machine learning by picking appropriate "hyperparameters."

  • Training for users and administrators

    This study route focuses on advanced statistics and data mining and open data and blockchain, two rapidly emerging disciplines.

Software Type We Develop

Implementation of data science solutions

Simple access to the necessary experience or resources. Creating a well-functioning data science solution suited to your specific company requirements.

Consultation on improving data science

Advice on both the strategic and tactical levels. In a data science project, you are dealing with issues such as noisy or filthy data, erroneous forecasts, and so on.

Data science consultation and assistance

To improve the quality of your insights, you’ll need to keep supporting and evolving your data science program. Machine learning models are being adapted to changing situations.

DSaaS (Data science as a service)

There is no investment in data science expertise in-house. Using data science technology to extract sophisticated data analytics insights or boosting existing data science projects.

Stop Ignoring The Benefits Of Data Science!

Blocknize can support your project with the best data science practices if you’re ready to use advanced analytical technologies like machine learning and deep neural networks to boost performance and identify new business prospects.
