IoT Helping A Behavioral Patients’ Chain Featured By


The Customer is a network of hospitals in the USA that caters to people. It includes people with serious mental illnesses. suicidal conduct, develop mental impairments, and other conditions.


The Customer sought to put in place a location tracking system. It was put in their facilities to provide constant patient monitoring. Moreover, it includes on to prevent the danger of self-harm. It meets stringent safety criteria for patients. The Customer chose to establish an IoT solution for patient and staff monitoring. Moreover, they expand it to other locations if it proved effective.

Besides, the Customer needed consulting services to design the tracking system’s architecture. Also, it estimates deployment costs.


The Customer commissioned Blocknize to produce a proposal for a patient. Also, it staffs monitoring IoT solution. Its basis was on our expertise in IoT and software development for the healthcare sector. Blocknize’s team of IoT specialists began by interviewing key stakeholders. The action took place to determine the project’s driving requirements. Also, to better understand the Customer’s vision.  The data was utilized to recommend functionality, design, and potential integrations. Moreover, time frame and cost for its deployment also required attention.

The Functionality Of The Solution

Working as follows was offered as a solution:

  • All personnel and patients wore a wristband with an RFID tag at a mental health hospital.
  • The tag readers sent a person’s position to the cloud server. It locates when they left one control area and entered another.
  • The tracking tool displayed the whereabouts of medical workers and patients. It displays on a facility map in real-time.

To prove the concept, BlockNize’s team produced a solution demo. It includes floor layouts of the behavioral facility. Also, it had highlighted control zones and RFID reader locations. A monitoring dashboard with an

  • Integrated patient and staff location view
  • Recent staff and patient activity
  • Warnings about patients accessing unwanted areas and other features were in the demo.

Integration Options And Solution Architecture

Blocknize’s team offered the solution’s architecture and high-level integration strategy. Things Board, an open-source platform for IoT development enables straightforward scale-up. It is so to use the key in various behavioral health institutions, was at the heart of the solution. The integration plan outlined how to connect the location tracking system. It’s network is to the patient’s network’s electronic health record (HER). It shows generic patient information (e.g., name, ward number) on the tracking dashboard.

You Can Also Read More Case Studies for Other Trending Technologies Here!

Estimation Of Project Implementation Costs

Blocknize’s professionals devised a project schedule and estimated project costs. Due to open-source development platform, the IoT location tracking solution is cost-effective. The proposed solution was quick to put in place. The development, launch, and setup stages were project to take two months.


The Customer received an architectural design for an RFID-enabled tracking system. Also, a cost and timing estimate is given. In only two months, the Customer had a solid foundation for staff monitoring software. Moreover, implementation of the solution into everyday operations is conducted.

Tools And Technologies

RFID, ThingsBoard,.NET

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