Creating A Smart Mobile Baby Care App


The Customer is a European dealer of well-known brands. Also, the customer is the owner of several product lines in a variety of sectors.


Blocknize won the Customer’s tender for a baby care system idea in 2016. Moreover, it developed detailed specifications. Following the Customer’s approval of the specification, they requested the construction of an iOS and Android app and a back end.


Blocknize assigned three iOS developers, three Android developers, a UI/UX designer, and a back-end developer. For 11 months, the team worked on both the iOS and Android app versions.

Besides, the completed software is compatible with the Customer’s five branded devices. Moreover, the GPS smartwatch employs a back end. Also, the first four gadgets interact with the app through Bluetooth.

Natural Light Lamp

The app may be used as a remote control for turning on and off the bulb and modifying the brightness.

Scales And Height Meter

Data from a digital height meter and baby scales may be immediately sent to the app and kept in the log.

Formula Milk Maker

A parent may control the volume and temperature of formula milk from afar using the app. Moreover, after that, the machine will calculate the required quantity of formula powder. Then it will create a formula with the desired temperature.


The thermometer gadget can gather temperature data since it may be connected to the baby’s body. Moreover, it gets connected for an extended period. Besides, the app will receive it at predetermined intervals. Also, it sends out push alerts if anything goes wrong.

GPS Smartwatch

When worn by a youngster, the smartwatch allows for an easy emoji-based chat conversation. Moreover, a child can do a conversation with a parent via the mobile app. In their app, a parent may draw a safe zone’ range on the map and apply it to the watch. Besides, the watch will send a push notification to the parent’s smartphone. Also, if the youngster escapes the safe zone, this feature was used.

Moreover, the program may also create custom statistics graphs for each device. Also, it keeps track of input and data received.

Working as follows was offered as a solution:

  • All personnel and patients wore a wristband with an RFID tag at a mental health hospital.
  • The tag readers sent a person’s position to the cloud server. It locates when they left one control area and entered another.
  • The tracking tool displayed the whereabouts of medical workers and patients. It displays on a facility map in real-time.

To prove the concept, BlockNize’s team produced a solution demo. It includes floor layouts of the behavioral facility. Also, it had highlighted control zones and RFID reader locations. A monitoring dashboard with an

  • Integrated patient and staff location view
  • Recent staff and patient activity
  • Warnings about patients accessing unwanted areas and other features were in the demo.

You Can Also Read More Case Studies for Other Trending Technologies Here!


The Customer was pleased with the applications’ implementation and back end. Moreover, both Android and iOS applications were released on Google Play and the App Store.

Tools And Technologies

iOS: Swift 3, UIKit, Foundation, CocoaPods, Google Maps, TRON, Alamofire, Kingfisher, SwiftyJSON, JSON, Fabric, Crashlytics, OAuthSwift, ReactiveSwift/ReactiveCocoa, Mixpanel, Charts, SwiftyBluetooth, TableKit, SwiftyBluetooth, TableKit.

Android: Joda-Time, ButterKnife, LoganSquare, Dagger2, Retrofit2, OkHttp3, RxJava2/RxAndroid2, Firebase Cloud Messaging.

Back end: Symfony 3, PHP 7, MySQL 5.7, MongoDB, NodeJS, Doctrine 2, and RabbitMQ.

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