Creating A Car Electronics Management Application


The Client is a software and hardware company that focuses on automotive electronics. The business is well-established in Europe and Asia, aiming to grow internationally.


The Customer’s primary hardware device could interface with a vehicle’s electronics to start and stop the engine. Also, open and shut doors, and get diagnostics data, among other functions. It also had a GPS device, motion and collision sensors. Moreover, it had GSM module to transmit and receive data.

Besides, the Customer intended to create a complicated client-server solution with an interactive web interface. Also, it includes feature-rich mobile apps for Android and iOS to enable customers to connect with their automobiles. Besides,  it included to operate their car electronics remotely.


Blocknize was picked to construct the needed software solution because of its experience in web development. Also, it included fleet management software solutions. Besides, the new solution was supplied in three phases by the team.

Stage 1

The Blocknize team began by integrating a web server with a hardware tracking device installed on a car. Besides, the engineers at Blocknize collaborated with the device manufacturer’s technical team in South Korea. Moreover, the I/O interfaces were identified, and the server application programming interface was built (API). Also, they made a server prototype to test and stabilize the system.

Moreover, to guarantee high connection stability and reliable performance, Blocknize’s testing team ran various stress tests.

Stage 2

The Blocknize team created and built online software that included a user interface, administrative capabilities. Moreover, it included an electronic payment system, allowing users to do things like:

  • Track the location of a vehicle.
  • The engine should be started and stopped.
  • Set the vehicle’s interior temperature.
  • Warming up the engine should be done regularly.
  • Close the trunk and open the doors.
  • Turn on and off the lights.
  • Keep an eye on the details of your vacation.
  • Receive real-time alerts on accidents and speeding tickets.
  • View the driver’s safety score and track their driving style.
  • Examine the diagnostics for faults.
  • You’ll get push alerts when maintenance is needed.
  • The electronic payment system allows you to keep track of your balance. Also, it makes payments. Besides, for the recruitment of new users, there existed a referral scheme.

Moreover, the user interface is communicated via a JavaScript Object Notation-based API (JSON) with the webserver. Also, entity Framework 6.0, a robust object-relational mapping (ORM) framework. It was used for the back-end software.

Because of the Microsoft Azure Cloud installation, all server-side software was scalable. Moreover, Microsoft Azure SQL Databases hold all of the system’s databases. Besides, the administrative tool has reporting capabilities and the ability to create charts and see maps.

With no performance concerns, the system could monitor tens of thousands of apps simultaneously. The solution included an integrated bug tracking module and a review system, a user forum, and a voting system.

Stage 3

Blocknize’s developers created and built mobile apps for Android and iOS platforms with a contemporary and intuitive user experience. Also, it integrated them with the previously constructed back-end system.

Moreover, the Blocknize team developed an intelligent voice command interface. We were using Google Voice Actions for Android and Siri for iOS. Also, it guaranteed minimal battery usage while monitoring vehicle status and real-time GPS tracking with alert push messages.

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The Customer’s revenues improved dramatically after successfully introducing the sophisticated solution. Moreover, the public, as well as insurance firms and auto dealers, actively employed the established solution.

Tools And Technologies

.NET: Microsoft Visual Studio, Microsoft SQL Server, ASP.NET MVC 4, Entity Framework 6, Unity IoC, jQuery, Knockout.js, Hightcharts, Microsoft Azure SDK, Newtonsoft.Json, Google Maps API.

iOS: Objective-C, UIkit, Core Location, Google Maps SDK for iOS, SpeechKit, CocoaPods, AFNetworking, Crashlytics.

Android: Java, Android SDK, Google Maps SDK for Android, Microsoft Azure Mobile Android Client SDK.

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